Inviting Elders of Society to Collect Their Opinions
National Movement Required to Realize "Bonanza of Unification"
NUAC Invites Elders of Society to Collect Their Opinions
The National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC; Hyun Kyung-dae, Executive Vice Chairperson and Park Chan-bong, Secretary General) invited 18 elders of Korean society to Seoul Club on Aug. 26 to collect their views on the inter-Korean policy.
The meeting was held to collect their opinions on the government's inter-Korean policy and establish a national bond of sympathy toward national unification and recommend them to the government for consideration.
According to Joo Cheol-kee, senior secretary for Foreign Affairs and National Security, the Korean government will promote communication and cooperation with North Korea from minor things that can be shared between South and North through a small path such as environment, livelihood, and culture, as suggested in the presidential speech during the National Liberation Day on Aug. 15.
Joo Cheol-kee, Senior Secretary for Foreign Affairs and National Security
Park Chan-bong, Secretary General of NUAC
Elders of Korean society attending the meeting actively gave their views on the issue.
They emphasized the need for a strategic approach to national unification diplomacy and promotion of inter-Korean policy and national integrity, adding that establishing the unification ground is essential in pursuing the unification of the Korean peninsula. Furthermore, preparations for unification in the areas of communication, unity, and expansion of opportunities for the North Korean refugees‘ participation in society are absolutely required, the elders added.
They also believe that “Bonanza of Unification” can be realized by the national unification movement, but that the fundamental issues should be solved first.
In addition, recognition on North Korea and its people should be enhanced; promotion of the inter-Korean policy based on such recognition, humanitarian aid for North Korea, recovery of national homogeneity, strengthening of unification education for the youth, and NUAC function are other important issues to be pursued continuously.
- “Not only should each government department fulfill its roles and responsibility for national unification; each and every level of our society should also pay keen attention to national unification. NUAC will perform its roles more aggressively together with the Council of Unification Preparation and Ministry of Unification," said Hyun Kyung-dae, executive vice chairperson of NUAC, during the meeting.
Hyun added that the most important thing is strong desire and wish for national unification. South Korea has been surviving countless historical difficulties in the past, and full support by the elders of society will surely be of great help in solving the current problems of national unification, he added.
NUAC plans to hold a meeting every year with the elders to collect their views on the unification.