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Западное побережье Южной Америки - Специальная лекция приглашенного президента Фонда Eugene Bell Стивена Линтона |
Западное побережье Южной Америки, 2015-03-17 |
The West of South America Chapter (Head: Bang Jong-seok) invited In Se-ban (aka Stephen Linton), President of the Eugene Bell Foundation, to give a special lecture on the unification of the Korean Peninsula on March 17 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with 100 Korean residents in the city attending including Ambassador Choo Jong-youn, Lee Byung-hwan, President of the Korean Association of Argentina, NUAC council members in the country, and leaders of Korean societies.
Tuberculosis was rampant in the country during the so-called ‘March of Hardship’ in the 1990s due to lack of food. Korean visitors may be exposed to multi-drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis if the strained relations between South and North Korea continue. The political areas are best left to the politicians, but the role of the private sector should be expanded in the course of national unification of Korea,” In Se-ban said.