The inaugural session of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter (head: Lee Sang-cheol) of the 17th term of NUAC was held on Jul. 17 (Fri.) at Shanghai Marriott Hotel in China.
Inaugural Session
A total of 110 attendees including Hyun Kyung-dae, Executive Vice-chairperson of NUAC, Lee Chang-ho, Vice-chairperson of the China Assembly, Han Seok-hui, Korean Consul General to Shanghai, Lee Sang-cheol, Chief of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter, NUAC members in the city, and Korean students participated in the ceremony.
Salute to the National Flag
The inauguration session was held in two parts. The first part included the screening of a video introducing the 17th term of NUAC and the presentation of the letter of appointment as NUAC member. In addition, a letter of appreciation was awarded to Lee Chang-ho, Vice-chairperson of the China Assembly and former chief of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter, for his service. Lee Sang-cheol, head of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter, presented a plaque of appreciation to NUAC members Lee Dong-han, Lee Gang-bae, and Kim Seung-yeong for excellent service rendered during the 16th term of NUAC. The China Provincial Assembly (Vice-chairperson: Lee Chang-ho) provided US$ 2,000 each to the 5 municipal chapters in China in support of their unification activities.
The attendees watched President Park Geun-hye’s speech on video; this was followed by reports on the action plan of the 17th term of NUAC, selection of executives of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter, and reporting of the business promotion plan for the year. During the second session, Lee Won-hyeong, former Korean Ambassador to Cambodia, gave a lectured titled “Political Situation Surrounding the Korean Peninsula and Inter-Korean Relations.”
Presenting the Letter of Appointment to the NUAC Members
Hyun Kyung-dae, Executive Vice-chairperson of NUAC, presented the letter of appointment to NUAC members in Shanghai on behalf of President Park. All the NUAC members took an oath to perform their roles for the peaceful unification of our fatherland.
Oath by the representative of NUAC members
Oath by NUAC members
◀ Opening Speech
“The Shanghai Municipal Chapter was named one of the most excellent chapters thanks to the efforts of the former chief of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter, and the 17th term of NUAC Shanghai decided on 3 key projects to promote: 1. Communication, harmony, and unity among Koreans living in the region; 2. Intensify public relations and understanding of NUAC, and; 3. Proliferate understanding of national unification to the youth and inspire the people with national identity in order to strengthen their unification capability. We will promote community services more actively to build up trust among overseas Koreans living in this region. The wall dividing our fatherland will be torn down when each and every NUAC member performs his/her roles more actively as the cornerstone of peaceful unification,” said Lee Sang-cheol, chief of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter, in his opening speech.
Inspirational Speech
Hyun Kyung-dae, Executive Vice-chairperson of NUAC, encouraged NUAC members in Shanghai. “National unification involves building a foundation for the great takeoff of Korean people. Gathering the unification capabilities of overseas Koreans is the role of overseas NUAC members, and I hope you play a leading role in drawing national consensus with confidence that we can achieve unification. In addition, may you lead public diplomacy for unification toward Chinese societies as to why Korean Peninsula should be unified and how great is the benefit that can be obtained by China and its people from a unified Korea,” he added.
Han Seok-hui, Korean Consul General to Shanghai, said in his congratulatory message that the peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula is the subject given to our era, which needs national capability to be gathered. “The results brought about by peaceful unification will really be a jackpot. NUAC members should lead the people and overseas Koreans for it. Let’s make our utmost efforts to get it done. I will support your activities for peaceful unification, and I hope the NUAC Shanghai Municipal Chapter performs most meaningful activities more actively,” he added.
Congratulatory Address
According to Lee Chang-ho, Vice-chairperson of the China Assembly, the roles of the youth would be important after the country is unified, and we consequently need to think about it seriously. He reminded the attendees of the fact that many important independence movements got organized and took place in China, stressing that NUAC members in China should make national unification a reality beyond mere theory, and that their efforts would serve as a source of great strength for the Republic of Korea to achieve peaceful unification.
Dong Seung-cheol, chief of the Overseas Region Division of NUAC, made a report on the “Roles and Function of NUAC,” “Goals of Activities and Promotion of Subjects of the 17th-term NUAC,” and “Major Projects of Overseas Assemblies in the Second Half of 2015” for overseas members to understand their roles and function.
Former ambassador Lee gave a lecture on the subject “Political Situation Surrounding the Korean Peninsula and Inter-Korean Relations.” On the other hand, the Shanghai Music Academy students gave a beautiful performance on the occasion of the inaugural session.
Performance of the Shanghai Music Academy
Cake Cutting to Celebrate the Inaugural Session of the 17th term of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter
Shanghai Municipal Chapter Members
Hyun Kyung-dae, Executive Vice-chairperson of NUAC, had a meeting with the executive members of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter before the session to gather their opinions on national unification and paid a visit to the office of the China Assembly to encourage the members.
Meeting with the executive members of the Shanghai Municipal Chapter
Gathering the opinions of overseas members on national unification
Visit to the office of the China Assembly