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Главный вице-председатель NUAC Хён Гёнг Дэ: «Объединение Южной и Северной Кореи — это объединение прав человека»
Главный вице-председатель NUAC Хён Гёнг Дэ: «Объединение Южной и Северной Кореи — это объединение прав человека»
Отдел зарубежного региона, 2014-11-14
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Korea-US Peaceful Unification Forum Held in Washington DC on Oct. 13
  • NUAC Executive Vice-chairperson Hyun Kyung-dae: “The Unification of the Two Koreas is the Unification of Human Rights”
NUAC Executive Vice-chairperson Hyun Kyung-dae attended the 2014 Korea–US Peaceful Unification Forum, stressing that, since the human rights issue of North Korea is very significant in preparing for the unification of the Korean peninsula, we should endeavor to improve it positively with international societies.
Quoting President Park’s statement on human rights in North Korea, he noted that, since the issue is very critical in building the foundation of peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula, improving human rights in North Korea is essential for the democracy and prosperity of the unified Korean peninsula.
“President Park’s address at the UN General Assembly -- that North Korea and international societies should take the necessary measures to implement the recommendations of the UN Committee of Investigating Human Rights in North Korea(COI) -- indicates that the Korean government’s approach to the human rights issue of North Korea has been changing. Improving the human rights in North Korea is the first step toward the unification of the country,” he stressed.
He regards the future of the Korea-US alliance as an optimistic one. “Since the fall of socialist countries at the end of the 1980s, national security environments and international relations saw great changes several times, but the Korea-US alliance has remained strong. The reason most South Koreans believe the future of the alliance to be optimistic is that the two countries share the value of free democracy and market economy, which are most suitable for achieving the two goals of guaranteeing the freedom and human rights of the people and developing communities.
Since it is an alliance of value not only for military and economic interest but also for sharing the fundamental value and benefit of free democracy and market economy, the relationship between the two allies will be developed further,” he predicted.
Hyun explained President Park’s Dresden Declaration, which was made last March in Dresden, Germany when President Park visited the city. “It includes three basic suggestions to build the grounds for peaceful unification: solving the humanitarian issue, establishing livelihood infrastructure, and restoring national homogeneity. The regular reunion of separated families in the South and North and '1000 Days Maternal Package,’ which supports ensuring mothers' and babies' nutrition and health from pregnancy up to 2 years of age of the babies, were also included in the proposal. It is a sincere suggestion to pursue national unification without impact by upgrading the livelihood and economic foundation to the preparatory stage of modernization,” he said.
A total of 200 people attended the forum titled “New Approach and Challenge for the Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula“ including Kim Ki-chol, Vice-chairperson of the NUAC Americas Assembly, Hwang Won-kyun, Head of the Washington DC Municipal Chapter, Ahn Ho-young, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States, former and current government officials concerned, and experts.
  • NUAC Executive Vice-chairperson Hyun Kyung-dae: “The Unification of the Two Koreas is the Unification of Human Rights”
Donald Manzullo, President/CEO of the Korea Economic Institute of America, David Maxwell, Associate Director of the Center for Security Studies in the School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University, and Sue Mi Terry, Senior Research Scholar of Columbia University's Weatherhead East Asian Institute from the US side and Prof. Han Yong-seop of National Defense University, Jeon Bong-geun, Manager of the National Security and Unification Study of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, Lee Sang-hyeon, Manager of the National Security Strategy Study of the Sejong Institute, Park Seung-jae, Chairman of the Overseas Cooperation of Continent Strategy Institute, and Prof. Park In-hwi of Ewha Womans Univ. from the Korean side attended the discussion.
"Diversified forms of cooperation exist between South Korea and America to solve the North Korean nuke problem and promote the trust-building process of the Korean peninsula. We need to concentrate on resuming 6-party talks discussing the pre-conditions on it with surrounding countries. We should keep raising the human rights issue of North Korea in international societies including UN to remind Kim Jong-un of North Korea that his regime cannot survive without dialogue with international societies," said Lee Sang-hyeon, Manager of National Security Study of the Sejong Institute.
Jeon Bong-geun, Manager of the National Security and Unification Study of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, noted that the USA is the only country that openly and positively supports the unification of the Korean peninsula led by South Korea and which helps South Korea get the cooperation of surrounding countries in the course of unifying the Korean peninsula. Accordingly, the strategic alliance between Seoul and Washington DC should be strengthened continuously while pursuing the unification, he stressed.
“The unification of the Korean peninsula will bring great benefits to America as well. One of the factors that is sometimes neglected while discussing unification is the tremendous benefits that can be had through modern currency and banking system. If unification can be promoted by such system, and reduced cost can be allocated to productive investment carefully, there will be little hindrance to the unification being the ’Bonanza’ for Northeast Asia, which is being pursued by President Park," said William Brown, senior adviser to the National Intelligence Managers for East Asia and North Korea Office of the Director for National Intelligence.
According to Van Jackson, Researcher of the New America Security Center, the last alternative for international societies to intervene in North Korea is intervention in the humanitarian aspect. Such method can be achieved under the precondition that international societies are no longer convinced that the North Korean regime is capable of controlling its people, he added.
“North Korea can already threaten Korea and Japan with the Rodong missile mounted with nuclear weapon, which may also attack the main land of America. Kim Jong-un is dangerous and unpredictable just like his father Kim Jong-il, and America and South Korea should never harbor any illusion,” said Bruce Klingner, Senior Research Fellow, Northeast Asia at the Heritage Foundation.
The Peaceful Unification Forum attracted much interest both from home and abroad. In fact, the keynote address delivered by Hyun, Executive Vice-chairperson of NUAC, was quoted by many news media.
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