NUAC > Деятельность Совета > Деятельность Региональных советов и Местных консультативных органов
Муниципальное собрание Сеогу, Тэджон - Фестиваль традиционных игр в поддержку воссоединения
Муниципальное собрание Сеогу, Тэджон - Фестиваль традиционных игр в поддержку воссоединения
Муниципальное собрание Сеогу, Тэджон, 2017-02-11


The Seo-gu Municipal Chapter (head: Kim Bo-young) of Daejeon held a festival for traditional games on February 11 at the indoor gymnasium of Tanbang Elementary School in Daejeon for the 15th day of the Lunar New Year, with North Korean defectors and local residents playing together and National Assemblyman Park Beong-seok and council members attending.

The festival, which was held in 2 sessions, featured a singing show and a talent show along with traditional games such as yunnori (traditional Korean board game) and jegichagi (Korean shuttlecock game). The North Korean defectors and local residents solidified their willingness for harmony and integration through Ganggangsullae (Circle Dance).