NUAC > Деятельность Совета > Новости
Договор о дружеских отношениях заключен между Областным собранием Йоннам и Областным собранием Гйонгнам
Договор о дружеских отношениях заключен между Областным собранием Йоннам и Областным собранием Гйонгнам
Отдел южного региона, 2016-09-09
Sisterhood Contract Concluded between Jeonnam Provincial Assembly and Gyeongnam Provincial Assembly
“Leading the gathering of public opinion for harmonious exchange between the Yeongnam and Honam regions”
The NUAC Jeonnam Provincial Assembly (vice-chairperson: Jang Young-in) and Gyeongnam Provincial Assembly (vice-chairperson: Choi Chung-gyeong) concluded a sisterhood contract at the Suncheon Bay International Wetland Center with over 70 attendees including the chairpersons and executives of the Jeonnam and Gyeongnam Provincial Assemblies.
  • Opening Ceremony

It was decided that this sisterhood contract event would be held yearly and in turns in each province, and that effort would be put in collectively in order to reinforce mutual awareness of unity and collective engagement through harmonious exchange and meeting opportunities and promote interchange cooperation between the Yeongnam and Honam regions on one hand and activate the unification movement and gather public opinion on the other hand.
  • Signing of Contract by the Vice-chairperson of the Jeonnam Provincial Assembly

  • Signing of Contract by the Vice-chairperson of the Gyeongnam Provincial Assembly

  • Exchange of Contracts

  • Contract Signing Ceremony

The event progressed in order of welcome speech by the vice-chairperson of the Jeonnam Provincial Assembly, greetings by the vice-chairperson of the Gyeongnam Provincial Assembly, congratulatory speech by the executive vice-chairperson, and agreement ceremony.
  • Welcome Speech by the Vice-chairperson of the Jeonnam Provincial Assembly

  • Greetings by the Vice-chairperson of the Gyeongnam Provincial Assembly

According to Executive Vice-chairperson Yoo Ho-yeol, who attended the sisterhood ceremony, this conclusion of agreement is meaningful in a sense that it bound the separate Southern sea into one belt, and it will induce national harmony and peaceful unification if spread all over the country by serving as a good model of gathering public opinion.
  • Congratulatory Speech by the Executive Vice-chairperson

The executive vice-chairperson also cited the need for NUAC council members to step forward and lead the gathering of public opinion to spread an atmosphere that can change the wrong actions and policies of North Korea such as nuclear experiments and launching of missiles.
  • Commemorative Photograph

After the contract signing ceremony, council members of both provinces took time to harmonize and share information about regional unification activities while taking a look around Suncheon Bay Wetland located in Suncheon, the ecology capital.