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Постоянный комитет культуры, искусства и спорта при НКСО провел концерт-беседу «Культура воссоединения»
Постоянный комитет культуры, искусства и спорта при НКСО провел концерт-беседу «Культура воссоединения»
Консуль тативный отдел, 2016-10-04
“Let's increase awareness in North Korea through the power of culture”
The Culture, Arts & Sports Standing Committee (Chief: Ra Chong-uk) of the National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC) hosted the 2016 Unification Culture Talk Concert on Friday, September 30, at 2:00 pm at the Baekam Art Hall (located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul), with council members and around 250 members of the general public in attendance.
  • View of the opening ceremony

This event, prepared to discuss ways for the Korean wave to contribute to unification during times of sanctions against North Korea as well as to recover the cultural homogeneity between South and North Korea, was sponsored by the Korean Senior Citizens’ Association, Korean Kiro Art Association, Myongji University Graduate School of Future Integration, World Peace Tunnel Foundation, Unias Korea, Center for Cultural Unification Studies, Society of Korean Poets, and Korean Enameling Association.
  • Commemorative Photo with representatives from sponsor organizations

“The power of culture is still important in times of sanctions against North Korea. It is now time to nurture hope and consensus about unification among the citizens of North Korea,” Committee Chief Ra Chong-uk stressed in his opening address. On the other hand, in his congratulatory address, Executive Vice-chairperson Yoo Ho-yeol expressed hope that today's Unification Culture Talk Concert is benchmarked for future grassroots unification movements. Unification Vice Minister Kim Hyung-seok also expressed hope that today's event becomes the starting point for giving hope to North Korean citizens living in blind spots of human rights and for providing our citizens the joyful imagination that is unification.
  • Opening address by Committee Chair Ra Chong-uk

  • Congratulatory address by Executive Vice-chairperson Yoo Ho-yeol

  • Congratulatory address by Unification Vice Minister Kim Hyung-seok

Themed "Unification of the Korean Peninsula through Culture," the first part of the talk concert was a time for understanding the lifestyle, thoughts, feelings, dreams, and hopes of North Korean citizens as well as ways by which the Korean wave could contribute to increasing awareness within North Korea. The panel included representatives from the sectors of culture, arts, and sports: Kang Dong-wan, head of the Busan Hana Center; Sim Seo-yeon, former national captain of the women's soccer team at the 2013 EAFF East Asian Cup; Choi Seong-gook, webtoon artist; Song Ji-young, former North Korean announcer; and Han Seon-hee, owner of the North Korean restaurant “Unification Sunny.”
  • View of the talk concert

The second part featured a recitation of unification poetry (Society of Korean Poets; Executive Secretary Lee Chae-min) and a skit performance (actors Kim Hyun-min, Kim Shin-young) as well as musical performances by defecting vocalists and guitarists. Kim Jin and Kang Min-sung sang 『A Wonderful Day in October』 and 『The One who Gives Happiness』, whereas Korean defector singer Kim Jeong-won sang 『Affinity』 and 『A Beautiful Nation』. These songs all give hope to North Korean citizens and defectors, receiving praise from the audience. Defector guitarist Gwon Seol-gyeong left the audience in awe with his rich sound and fast beat.
  • Poem recitation by Lee Chae-min, Executive Secretary of the Society of Korean Poets

  • Skit titled [Seoul Outing]

  • Duet by vocalists Kim Jin and Kang Min-kyung

  • Defector guitarist Gwon Seol-gyeong

  • Defector vocalist Kim Jeong-won

The Culture, Arts & Sports Standing Committee, which hosted the Unification Culture Talk Concert, expressed hope that this event could contribute to invigorating and spreading future unification culture projects throughout the country, focusing the citizens' capabilities on unification and unifying national public opinion.