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Письма членам совета по случаю 33-ей годовщины of NUAC
Письма членам совета по случаю 33-ей годовщины of NUAC
Руководитель по планированию ифинансам , 2014-06-05
  • Hyun Kyung-dae photoDear all the members of councilWe celebrate the 33rd Anniversary of the National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC) this year and I appreciate all 20,000 council members both at home and abroad for your devotion to achieve a peaceful unification of our fatherland.
    Since the NUAC was established 33 years ago in June 1981, I am proud to say that the NUAC, as one of the constitutional institutions of Korea, has not been negligent in advising the President on the government’s policy on unification.
    The Constitution of the Republic of Korea assigns the duty of achieving national unification to the President and the government. Article 4 of the Constitution reads, "The Republic of Korea shall seek unification and formulate and carry out a policy of peaceful unification based on the principles of freedom and democracy.” The NUAC has been recommending the unification policy to the President on behalf of the people and wherein the government’s unification policy should be adopted and practiced in the everyday lives of the people.
The Board of National Unification (now Ministry of Unification) was established in 1969, but it could not perform the work of preparing for unification and leading the people properly. The Peaceful Unification Advisory Committee was established by amending the Constitution in October 1980, when the people were able to understand that national unification was the absolute concern of Koreans. It was also understood that all the federal administrations should exert their efforts for unification as the ultimate goal.
Since the establishment of the NUAC, the people of Korea were able to realize that preparation for unification should be made not only by the government but by the people. This was realized because the issue of unification was made public through the NUAC, where the recommendation for the government to uphold a policy on unification was held after collecting the public’s opinions on the issue.
The Title of the Committee was changed into the Democratic and Peaceful National Unification Advisory Council after amending the Constitution in October 1987. Now, the NUAC has been performing its role of addressing the issue of unification as part of the people's movement, while combining their will for national unification with enacting federal policy to the President. Having the NUAC achieve agency in preparing for unification at the public and private levels was accomplished thanks to the efforts of the council members.
Dear NUAC Members:There may be various evaluations on the activities of the NUAC but the 33-year history of the organization was a great march towards achieving unification of the Korean peninsula.
Since her inauguration, President Park Geun-hye decided that establishing the grounds for unification was a priority of state affairs; the President’s administration has been promoting the normalization of the inter-Korean relationship based on mutual trust. After President Park declared the 'Unification Bonanza,’ the people's will and enthusiasm to achieve unification has been enhanced more than ever before.
Our national power has reached the most powerful level in the entire history of Korea, where the diplomatic environment for unification is favorable for the Republic of Korea. That said, South Korea has been successful in practicing free democracy and market economy.
National unification is not far away from us. It will happen sooner than later, and may suddenly take place one day. However, the opportunity for national unification does not lead to a complete unification. A Peaceful and smooth unification can be achieved only when the people both in the South and North wish for unification.
NUAC members should continue to promote their preparation for unification and participate in the One to Five Project. The various activities you are now performing both at home and abroad will be valuable in establishing the foundation of national unification.
Dear Council Members:
People were shocked and underwent deep sorrow by the recent ferry disaster. We are reminded that social safety is directly related to national security. In this regard, the NUAC is determined to practice the principle that that the safety of a state is required to achieve national unification. Let us exert our best efforts to leave a unified country that secures personal safety and national security for future generations to come.
I wish you and your family health and happiness.

Thank you,

June 5, 2014

Hyun Kyung-dae, Executive Vice-chairperson

National Unification Advisory Council