NUAC > 活動 > 地域会議・協議会の活動
ソウル中浪区 - 北朝鮮離脱住民のメンタリング活性化のための「統一の共感」レセプション
ソウル中浪区 - 北朝鮮離脱住民のメンタリング活性化のための「統一の共感」レセプション
ソウル中浪区, 2016-03-27


The Jungnang-gu Municipal Chapter (head: Kim Sang-hui) of Seoul hosted the Unification Sympathy Reception for North Korean refugee mentees on March 27, 5:00pm at the Palace Party House Buffet, with around 100 council members, North Korean mentees, and their family members attending.

This event offered an opportunity to introduce the North Korean refugee mentees and council member mentors. Park Yeon-seon, chief of the Women's Standing Committee, gave a report on the mentoring project plan for North Korean refugees in 2016. Next, mentees Choi Jung-joo and Lee Hye-yeon gave presentations on their experiences in settling in South Korean society, followed by a time of communication and harmony such as unification quiz and team speed quiz conducted with mentees and mentors.