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海外地域課, 2013-08-08
16th NUAC Launches the Western Branch of the North America Municipal Chapter

Operation of the North America Municipal Chapter in full swing, vision and goal shared among the members

The National Unification Advisory Council (Secretary General: Park Chan-bong) launched the six municipal chapters of the western region of North America (Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Orange San Diego, LA, and Hawaii) of the 16th Council for 15 days from July 23 to August 6. The delegation consisted of Park, Secretary General, Ko Yeong-hoon, operation supporting officer, and four other officials of the Council. Koo Bon-tae, director of the Institute to Study South and North Societies, was in charge of giving lectures.

1. Inaugural Session to launch the Vancouver Municipal Chapter

The Vancouver Municipal Chapter was the first to be launched out of the six on July 23. A total of 150 persons including Seo Byung-gil, Head of the Vancouver Municipal Chapter, Choi Yeon-ho, consul general to Vancouver, and Lee Yong-hoon, Chairperson of the Korean Association of Vancouver, attended the ceremony to celebrate the launching of the 16th Vancouver Municipal Chapter.
  • Ceremony for launching the Vancouver Municipal Chapter

    Ceremony for launching the Vancouver Municipal Chapter

"The unification we are pursuing should be based on market economy and liberal democracy, which are the fundamental values of a unified Korea. What the Korean Peninsula Trust-Building Process of the Park Geun-hye Administration aims at is unification to make 75 million people happy. Sixty years have passed since the Korean peninsula was divided into two. National unification is important, but not as much as the management of the country after unification. In this regard, overseas Koreans are required to think about what they should do for national unification and what should be their roles as members of the National Unification Advisory Council," said Park Chan-bong, Secretary General.
  • Greetings of the Secretary General

    Greetings of the Secretary General

During his special lecture on national unification, Prof. Koo Bon-tae explained about the Korean Peninsula Trust-Building Process of the Park Geun-hye Administration. As one of the experts in South North Issues, he joined the presidential delegation several times when the Summit Talks between South and North were held. Currently, he is the chief of the unification education committee of the National Unification Advisory Council. Prof. Koo emphasized that members of the Council -- whether they are in or outside of their homeland -- should fully understand the Korean Peninsula Trust-Building Process. He explained that the Park Geun-hye Administration thinks the main reason for the lack of meaningful achievements of the policy for the North is the lack of mutual trust. Therefore, the Korean government intends to promote pressure and alignment policy based on the Korean Peninsula Trust-Building Process, which can be called "Alignment Policy" for short. "National unification will be possible only when national consensus is achieved based on strong national security and international cooperation is secured. In this regard, overseas Koreans should play their role of drawing national consensus and securing international cooperation more faithfully than ever," he added.
  • Lecture on national unification by Prof. Koo Bon-tae

    Lecture on national unification by Prof. Koo Bon-tae

2. Inaugural Session to launch the Seattle Municipal Chapter

The launching ceremony was held on July 26 at Seattle Double Tree Hotel, with the attendance of Susan Lee, Head of the Seattle Municipal Chapter, Yoo Cheok-sang, Portland branch chapter head, Yoon Yo-han, Anchorage branch chapter head, and Song Yeong-wan, Consul General to Seattle.
  • Ceremony hall

    Ceremony hall

  • Opening speech by Susan Lee, Head of the Seattle Municipal Chapter

    Opening speech by Susan Lee, Head of the Seattle Municipal Chapter

  • Greetings of the Secretary General

    Greetings of the Secretary General

  • Congratulatory message by Consul General Song Yeong-wan

    Congratulatory message by Consul General Song Yeong-wan

Letters of Designation were presented to the members. A Letter of Appreciation was also presented to Oh Joon-geol, former head of the Seattle Municipal Chapter. A total of 200 persons concluded the ceremony by singing Our Wish is Unification together, with their hands joined.
  • Presenting the Letter of Designation to the members

    Presenting the Letter of Designation to the members

  • Singing Our Wish is Unification

    Singing Our Wish is Unification

  • Commemorative Photograph

    Commemorative Photograph

3. Inaugural Session to launch the San Francisco Municipal Chapter

The San Francisco Municipal Chapter was launched on July 27 at Crown Plaza Hotel.
A total of 200 persons including Han Dong-man, Consul General to San Francisco, attended the ceremony.
Letters of Designation were presented to the members of the 16th National Unification Advisory Council; Kim I-soo, former head of the San Francisco Municipal Chapter, was given a Letter of Appreciation.
  • Ceremony Hall

    Ceremony Hall

  • Presenting the Letter of Designation

    Presenting the Letter of Designation

  • Presenting the Letter of Designation to the Head of the San Francisco Municipal Chapter

    Presenting the Letter of Designation to the Head of the San Francisco Municipal Chapter

  • Presenting a Letter of Appreciation to the former head of the San Francisco Municipal Chapter

    Presenting a Letter of Appreciation to the former head of the San Francisco Municipal Chapter

  • Opening speech by Jeong Kyung-ae, Head of the San Francisco Municipal Chapter

    Opening speech by Jeong Kyung-ae, Head of the San Francisco Municipal Chapter

  • Greetings of the Secretary General

    Greetings of the Secretary General

  • Singing Our Wish is Unification

    Singing Our Wish is Unification

  • Commemorative Photograph

    Commemorative Photograph

4. Inaugural Session to launch the Orange San Diego Municipal Chapter

The Orange San Diego Municipal Chapter was launched on July 30 at Embassy Switz Hotel.
A total of 200 guests attended the ceremony including Shin Yeon-seong, Consul General, Kim Ki-cheol, Vice-chairperson of the US Municipal Chapter, and Oh Deuk-jae, Chairperson of the Korean Association of Orange County.
The launching ceremony proceeded with the presentation of the letter of designation to the members and a letter of appreciation to Han Kwang-seong, former head. A special lecture on national unification then followed.
  • Presenting the Letter of Designation to the members

    Presenting the Letter of Designation to the members

  • Handing over the Flag of the National Unification Advisory Council

    Handing over the Flag of the National Unification Advisory Council

  • Opening speech by Kwon Seok-dae, Head of the Orange San Diego Municipal Chapter

    Opening speech by Kwon Seok-dae, Head of the Orange San Diego Municipal Chapter

  • Singing Our Wish is Unification

    Singing Our Wish is Unification

  • Commemorative Photograph

    Commemorative Photograph

5. Inaugural Session to launch the Los Angeles Municipal Chapter

The first day of August was also the day of the launch of the Los Angeles Municipal Chapter. The ceremony was held outdoors (Secret Garden), and the attendants enjoyed the unusual atmosphere. A total of 250 persons attended the event, with Choi Jae-hyeon re-designated as Head of the Los Angeles Municipal Chapter. Shin Yeon-seong, Consul General to LA, attended the inaugural session of Los Angeles Municipal Chapter following his participation in the Orange San Diego Municipal Chapter. Kim Ki-cheol, Vice-chairperson of the US Municipal Chapter, and Bae Moo-han, Chairperson of the Korean Association of LA, were among the invited guests.
  • Ceremony Hall

    Ceremony Hall

  • Presenting the Letter of Designation to the members

    Presenting the Letter of Designation to the members

  • Presenting the Letter of Designation to the Head

    Presenting the Letter of Designation to the Head

  • Greetings of the Secretary General

    Greetings of the Secretary General

  • Congratulatory message of the Chairperson of the Korean Association

    Congratulatory message of the Chairperson of the Korean Association

  • Commemorative Photograph

    Commemorative Photograph

6. Inaugural Session to launch of the Hawaii Municipal Chapter

The final inaugural session of municipal chapters of the west region in North America was held in Hawaii on August 3. The ceremony was held at Waikiki Resort. Consul General Seo Yeong-gil, wearing an Aloha shirt, presented the letter of designation to the members. Park Chan-bong, Secretary General of the Council, presented the letter of designation to the executive members. Kim Jeong-kyu, Head of the Hakatna branch chapter, also attended the event.
  • Ceremony Hall

    Ceremony Hall

  • Presenting the Letter of Designation to the executive members

    Presenting the Letter of Designation to the executive members

  • Opening speech by the Head of Hawaii Municipal Chapter

    Opening speech by the Head of Hawaii Municipal Chapter

  • Greetings of the Secretary General

    Greetings of the Secretary General

  • Commemorative Photograph

    Commemorative Photograph