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洛杉矶协议会 - 与咨询委员共聚2天1晚修炼会
洛杉矶协议会 - 与咨询委员共聚2天1晚修炼会
洛杉矶协议会, 2017-03-18 ~ 2017-03-19



The Los Angeles Chapter (head: Im Tae-rang) hosted a retreat for council members on the topic “Trump Administration and the Future of Korea” at the CJ Grand Hotel for 2 days from March 18 to 19 by inviting Lee Chae-jin, professor at Claremont McKenna College.

At the retreat, participants discussed ways to understand the diplomatic policy of the new American administration and to spread consensus on unification to the overseas Korean community. Likewise, on the second day, council members were provided with an opportunity to inspire a will for unification through the “Unification Sermon, Making 80 Million People Happy.”