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京畿水原市协议会 – 与脱北民在疗养院举行分享活动
京畿水原市协议会 – 与脱北民在疗养院举行分享活动
京畿水原市协议会, 2017-03-15



The Suwon Municipal Chapter (head: Son, Jae-pil) of Gyeonggi-do volunteered at the Suwon Veterans’ Sanatorium on March 15 along with 20 council members and North Korean defectors.

Volunteers helped the senior citizens living in the sanatorium with foot massages, movement and meals, and support for cognitive treatment programs. In addition, 20 boxes of adult diapers were delivered to the sanatorium.

The Suwon Municipal Chapter has entered into a business agreement with the Suwon Veterans’ Sanatorium last January in order to promote various volunteer activities, cooperation, and exchange.